Thursday,April 12th unfortunate condition was happened to young designer Rina Kurniawati 25 years old at Pondok Indah Mall.At that night,arround 8 AM,she went to PIM and met her friend at Sushite Resto to have a small meeting about her busssines.After that arround 10 PM they finished their meeting and separated to went home.But wjen she was in the Car Park Area suddenly she wanted to took some money at the ATM inside the mall.Unfortunatelly when she finished took her money,there were two big tidy man come come to her and pointed the knife at her and asking for money and the other precious goods which she brought.She just silent and followed their instruction.She realy shocked because actualy she did’nt think that they were bad guys because they looked like the executive big man with the white shirt and black trousers.They also have fair skin like the chinesse guy. The money that taken from her was about 60 million rupiahs and fortunatelly eventhough the car key was also taken by them,they did’nt took her car and didn’t took her car and didn’t hurt her.
Taman Nasional Bukut Barisan Selatan
Peta Barisan |
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Letak Kab. Tanggamus, Kab. Lampung Barat
Provinsi Lampung dan Kab. Bengkulu
Selatan Provinsi Bengkulu
Temperatur udara 20° - 28° C
Curah hujan 1.000 - 4.000 mm/tahun
Ketinggian tempat 0 - 1.964 m. dpl
Letak geografis 4°33’ - 5°57’ LS, 103°23’ - 104°43’ BT
Wear Panda Costume for Save The Panda
Panda 21-month-old Tao Tao and Cao Cao's mother moved to another habitat that is more widely by researchers at the Center for Giant Panda Research and Preservation of National Parks Hetaoping in Wolong, Sichuan Province, China. The researcherswere wearing panda costumes to ensure that the child was not seen or had contact with humans.
Unique Ways to Save the Panda Tao-Tao Researchers panda Giant Panda just transferred Tao Tao National Park with its parent in Wolong, Sichuan Province, China.Removal process is done by the Center for Giant Panda Research and PreservationHetaoping. Implementation of the transfer on May 3 and was performed in a unique way.
Researchers who wear costumes panda cub was measuring the temperature atphysical examination.
A researcher who wore a costume panda cub put into the box before a physicalexamination.
Researchers with the costumes put a panda cub in the basket before moving into a newhabitat.
The researchers carrying costumed panda giant panda enclosure containing Tao Taowhen moved to a new habitat.
Researchers holding a baby panda panda costume after a physical examination.